Tableau IX - Cancer de la vessie

Pronostic moyen* du cancer de la vessie selon le stade au diagnostic - *Données extraites de plusieurs études  1 2 3 4 5


Survie moyenne à 5 ans

Tis (In Situ)

91 %


80-90 %

T2 N0

75-85 %

T3 N0

45-55 %

T4a N0

50 %

T4b, Tout N1

25-35 %


  • 1. Stein JP; Lieskovsky G; Cote R; Groshen S; Feng AC; Boyd S; Skinner E; Bochner B; Thangathurai D; Mikhail M; Raghavan D; Skinner DG; Radical cystectomy in the treatment of invasive bladder cancer: long-term results in 1,054 patients. J Clin Oncol 2001 Feb 1;19 (3) : 666-75.
  • 2. Murta-Nascimento C, Schmitz-Dräger BJ, Zeegers MP, et al. Epidemiology of urinary bladder cancer: from tumour development to patient's death. World J Urol. 2007;25:285-295
  • 3. Herr ,HW, Schwalb ,DM, Zhang ,ZF, Sogani, PC, Fair ,WR, Whitmore, WF Jr, Oettgen ,HF Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin therapy prevents tumor progression and death from superficial bladder cancer: ten-year follow-up of a prospective randomized trial. SO J Clin Oncol 1995 Jun;13 (6) : 1404-8.
  • 4. Davis JW; Sheth SI; Doviak MJ; Schellhammer PF; Superficial bladder carcinoma treated with bacillus Calmette-Guerin: progression-free and disease specific survival with minimum 10-year followup. J Urol 2002 Feb;167 (2 Pt 1) : 494-500; discussion 501.
  • 5. Stein JP; Lieskovsky G; Cote R; Groshen S; Feng AC; Boyd S; Skinner E; Bochner B; Thangathurai D; Mikhail M; Raghavan D; Skinner DG; Radical cystectomy in the treatment of invasive bladder cancer: long-term results in 1,054 patients. J Clin Oncol 2001 Feb 1;19 (3) : 666-75.