Palliative Care and the Hemato-Oncological Patient: Can We Live Together? A Review of the Literature

Date de l'article :
Auteurs :
Vanessa J. Manitta, MBBS, B.Sc.,1 Jennifer A.M. Philip, Ph.D., FAChPM, MMed, MBBS,1 and Merrole F. Cole-Sinclair, MBBS, B.Sc.2
Affiliations :
1 Palliative Care Service, St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 2 Department of Haematology, St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Source :
Journal of Palliative Medicine in Volume: 13 Issue 8: August 16, 2010
Abstract :
Current evidence suggests that patients with hematological malignancies less frequently access palliative care services, and for those who do, this tends to occur later in their illness than their counterparts with solid malignancies. These patients are also more likely to die in hospital following escalating interventions. This approach to care that considers palliative care referral after most treatments are exhausted has implications for the quality of palliative care intervention possible. An episodic approach engaging palliative care according to needs rather than prognosis may be more valuable. The successful integration of palliative care into the care of hemato-oncological patients requires recognition by palliative care physicians of the particular issues encountered in care, namely, the difficulty in individual prognostication; ongoing therapeutic goals of curability or long term survival; the technical nature and complications of treatment; the speed of change to a terminal event; the need for pathology testing and transfusion of blood products as death approaches; the potentially reversible nature of intercurrent events such as infection; and the long relationships that develop between patients and their hematologists. Meanwhile, hematologists should be aware of the benefits of palliative care earlier in an illness trajectory and that palliative care does not equate to terminal care only. This review summarizes current practices and barriers to referral, and suggests recommendations for collaborative care and further research in the palliation of hemato-oncological patients. In doing so, it highlights to palliative care and hematology physicians how successful integration of their disciplines may improve their care of these
Commentaires :
J'ai apprécié cet article car il nous rappelle qu'il y a des néoplasies évoluant avec des rémissions et ces patients nous sont facilement référés qu'en phase très terminale, car il y a souvent plusieurs années d'évolution avec des périodes de rémission avant qu'ils soint en soins palliatifs terminal, mais on pourrait leur être utiles pour soulager plusieurs symptôme et aussi pour leur faire apprivoiser les soins palliatifs si ils nous connaissaent plus tôt; mais dans cet article on comprends mieux pourquoi ils ne sont pas référés tôt et parfois ils ne nous sont jamais référés, donc ce sont des patients et des familles qui sont privés du support qu'ils pourraient avoir des équipes pluridisciplinaires de soins palliatifs