
Do Opioids Affect the Ability to Drive Safely?

2012-11-01 The literature on the impact of opioid pharmacotherapy on driving ability and safety is reviewed. Recommendations for safe driving while taking opioids and limitations of the data are discussed.

Ways of talking about illness and prognosis in palliative cancer care consultations—two interactional frames

2012-11-01 Goals of work The purpose of the study was to describe how interaction about changes in illness and prognosis was shaped by participants in outpatient palliative cancer care consultations. Patients and methods The data collection involved six video-recorded consultations at an outpatient oncology

Letting Go

2012-11-01 ara Thomas Monopoli was pregnant with her first child when her doctors learned that she was going to die. It started with a cough and a pain in her back. Then a chest X-ray showed that her left lung had collapsed, and her chest was filled with fluid.

Do the Trajectories of Dyspnea Differ in Prevalence and Intensity By Diagnosis at the End of Life? A Consecutive Cohort Study

2012-11-01 Context Breathlessness reportedly worsens as death approaches for many people, but the differences in intensity and time course between underlying causes are not well described. Objectives To determine differences in the intensity of breathlessness by diagnosis over time as death approaches in a

A Systematic Review of the Treatment of Nausea and/or Vomiting in Cancer Unrelated to Chemotherapy or Radiation

2012-11-01 Context A systematic review of antiemetics for emesis in cancer unrelated to chemotherapy and radiation is an important step in establishing treatment recommendations and guiding future research.

Effectiveness and Tolerability of Amidotrizoate for the Treatment of Constipation Resistant to Laxatives in Advanced Cancer Patients.

2012-11-01 Context Constipation is a common problem for advanced cancer patients, and is generally inadequately treated. Objectives The aim of this study was to prospectively evaluate the effectiveness and tolerability of amidotrizoate (AM) in patients unresponsive to current laxatives. Methods A cons

Palliative Care and the Hemato-Oncological Patient: Can We Live Together? A Review of the Literature

2012-11-01 Current evidence suggests that patients with hematological malignancies less frequently access palliative care services, and for those who do, this tends to occur later in their illness than their counterparts with solid malignancies.

Multiple Subcutaneous Puncture and Stoma Bag Drainage for Gross Lower Limb Edema: A Case Report

2012-11-01 We present a case of gross lower limb edema in a 21-year-old man with an intra-abdominal malignant fibrous histiocytoma. He had a 1-month history of lower limb edema secondary to inferior vena caval obstruction.

Effect of palliative oxygen versus room air in relief of breathlessness in patients with refractory dyspnoea: a double-blind, randomised controlled trial.

2012-11-01 BACKGROUND: Palliative oxygen therapy is widely used for treatment of dyspnoea in individuals with life-limiting illness who are ineligible for long-term oxygen therapy.

Réflexions sur la définition des soins palliatifs proposée par la Société française d’accompagnement et de soins palliatifs (Sfap) en 1996

2012-11-01 La SFAP, en proposant une définition en 1996, a contribué à la diffusion du concept des soins palliatifs. C’était il y a 12 ans. Depuis, beaucoup de choses ont changé.

Consensus Recommendations for the Management of Constipation in Patients with Advanced, Progressive Illness

2012-11-01 Constipation is a highly prevalent and distressing symptom in patients with advanced, progressive illnesses.

Integrating Supportive and Palliative Care in the Trajectory of Cancer: Establishing Goals and Models of Care

2012-11-01 Tom, a 50-year-old man with metastatic pancreatic cancer, was referred by his phase I physician to our supportive care center for symptom management. He was initially diagnosed with pancreatic cancer involving the liver approximately 6 months before this visit.

Utilisation des psychostimulants chez les patients en fin de vie atteints de delirium hypoactif et de troubles cognitifs : revue de la littérature

2012-11-01 Objectif : Recenser la litterature portant sur I'effet des psychostimulants sur les fonctions cognitives des patients en fin de vie atteints de delirium hypoactif ou de troubles cognitifs. Methode : Une revue de la litterature anglophone et francophone a ete realisee au moyen de mots cles

Palliative and end-of-life care in advanced Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis

2012-11-01 DÉBUT DE L'ARTICLE CAR IL N'Y A PAS DE RÉSUMÉ : Key Points Palliative care in advanced Parkinson's disease (PD) and multiple sclerosis (MS) recognises the need to move from attempting to control function to affording comfort measures Admission to an acute hospital can be highly

Using Coping Strategies Is Not Denial: Helping Loved Ones Adjust to Living with a Patient with a Palliative Diagnosis

2012-11-01 Background: When a patient receives the diagnosis of an incurable cancer, their loved ones have to face the fact that life will change.

Facteurs favorisant le retour à domicile des patients en fin de vie hospitalisés

2012-11-01 La loi no 2005-370 du 22 avril 2005 relative aux droits des patients en fin de vie place le malade au cœur de la décision médicale et lui permet d’exprimer ses souhaits concernant ses soins. Ainsi, de nombreux patients hospitalisés expriment le souhait de retourner sur leur lieu de vie.


2012-11-01 Therapeutic Reviews aim to provide essential independent information for health professionals about drugs used in palliative and hospice care. Additional content is available on

Palliative Use of Aminocaproic

2012-11-01 To the Editor: Aminocaproic acid (Amicar) is a lysine analog that promotes hemostasis by inhibiting fibrinolysis.

Malignant Bowel Obstruction: Natural

2012-11-01 Context. The management of malignant bowel obstruction (MBO) is often challenging and frequently involves multiple treatment modalities, including chemotherapy, surgery, stenting, and symptomatic medical management. Objectives.

Antipsychotics Therapeutic Reviews

2012-11-01 Il n'y a pas de résumé car c'est une revue thérapeutique, donc, j'ai mis le 1er paragraphe de cet article Indications: Licensed indications vary between products; consult the manufacturer’s Product Insert for details.

Cancer-related fatigue: a practical review

2012-11-01 Fatigue is an exceedingly common often treatable problem in cancer patients that profoundly affects all aspects of quality of life. Prevalence estimates have ranged from 50% to 90% of cancer patients overall.

Trajectory of Performance Status and Symptom Scores for Patients With Cancer During the Last Six Months of Life

2012-11-01 Purpose Ontario's cancer system is unique because it has implemented two standardized assessment tools population-wide to improve care: the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) measures severity of nine symptoms (scale 0 to 10; 10 indicates the worst) and the Palliative Performance Scale (

Understanding mechanisms and documenting plausibility of palliative interventions for dyspnea

2012-11-01 Purpose of review: To review the mechanisms for the perception of dyspnea and to consider the plausibility of interventions that palliate dyspnea after optimal treatment of the underlying disease. Recent findings: Activation of sensory receptors by blood gas abnormalities, mechanical respirato

The Ethics of Pacemaker Deactivation

2012-11-01 A core principle of American medical ethics holds that an informed and capacitated patient has the right to have treatments withdrawn or withheld. Nevertheless, many clinicians remain reluctant to honor a request to deactivate a patient’s pacemaker.

Du diagnostic au décès, quand commencent les soins palliatifs ?

2012-11-01 Implications pratiques Les symptômes physiques et psychologiques des patients atteints d’une maladie évolutive avancée doivent être évalués à l’aide d’outils d’évaluation adaptés et pris en charge si possible de façon étiologique et symptomatique L’introduction d’une approche palliative doit être s

Review Article: Terminal Delirium in Geriatric Patients With Cancer at End of Life

2012-11-01 Terminal delirium is a common symptom that is frequently underdiagnosed in geriatric patients with cancer at end of life and is a major cause of distress for the patient as well as their family.

A Strategy for Conversion

2012-11-01 Context. No consensus exists about the most appropriate dose ratio for conversion from parenteral to oral ketamine. Objectives. To confirm that a 1:1 dose ratio is suitable for converting subcutaneous (s.c.) to oral ketamine in cancer patients. Methods.

Subcutaneous Lymphatic Drainage

2012-11-01 Subcutaneous lymphatic drainage has been reported to be an effective treatment for severe refractory lymphedema in patients with lymphatic accumulation because of obstructive cancer.

The central importance of spirituality in palliative care

2012-11-01 The potential of spirituality to contribute to improving the quality of life of those experiencing life-threatening illness is yet to be fully realised in most palliative care settings.

Treatment of cancer pain

2012-11-01 In patients with active cancer, the management of chronic pain is an essential element in a comprehensive strategy for palliative care.

How to Be a Patient in a Palliative Life Experience? A Qualitative Study to Enhance Knowledge About Coping Abilities in Advanced Cancer Patients

2012-11-01 To date there has been little research that reveals and describes the connection between the individual and his or her environment, which is the foundation for the coping process. These findings are part of a grounded theory study.

Therapeutic review the antipsychotics

2012-11-01 Therapeutic Reviews aim to provide essential independent information for health professionals about drugs used in palliative and hospice care. Additional content is available on

Use of Methadone as a Coanalgesic

2012-11-01 To the Editor: We report the novel use of methadone as a coanalgesic. We suggest that this approach may offer an alternative, safe, and practical method of using methadone alongside other opioid analgesics.

A guide to the use and care

2012-11-01 There has been a steady increase in the number and range of vascular access devices used in all areas of health care.

Emergencies in palliative care

2012-11-01 il n'y a pas de résumé car ce court article de 3 pages est déjà un résumé

Why do our patients get chemotherapy

2012-11-01 Some years ago, I treated a 21-year-old woman. During her first pregnancy, an enlarging mass appeared in her right leg. Diagnostic procedures done after delivery indicated that she had alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma.

Dyspnea Review for the Palliative Care Professional: Treatment Goals and Therapeutic Options

2012-11-01 Although dyspnea is frequently encountered in the palliative care setting, its optimal management remains uncertain. Clinical approaches begin with accurate assessment, as delineated in part one of this two-part series.

Therapeutic Reviews Stimulant Laxatives and Opioid-Induced Constipation

2012-11-01 Choice of Laxatives The prescription of laxatives is influenced by marketing, fashion, availability and cost, and there is wide variation in their use among clinicians and across countries.1,2 With the availability of polyethylene glycols (macrogols) and the more recently introduced ethylnaltrexone

Systematic Review of Cancer Presentations with a Median Survival of Six Months or Less

2012-11-01 Objective: To report cancer presentations with a median survival of 6 months or less and the effect of treatment on survival. Methods: We searched the MEDLINE database to find studies on solid and hematologic cancers that reported presentations consistently shown to have a median survival of

Palliative Care and Obesity: Are We Prepared ?

2012-11-01 Il n'y a pas de résumé car c'est un cas rapporté

Palliative chemotherapy during the last month of life

2012-11-01 Background: This study analyses the potential discriminative characteristics for patients with incurable cancer who received palliative chemotherapy during their last month of life.

Standardizing integration of palliative care

2012-11-01 Background Our comprehensive cancer centre adopted the WHO recommendation literally in the cancer care guidelines to implement the early integration (EI) of palliative care (PC). Evaluation of the first 2 years of this approach revealed that this guideline was too vague to trigger EI.

Hope beyond (redundant) hope: how chaplains work with dying patients

2012-11-01 Using Grounded Theory, this study examines the experience of 19 palliative care chaplains in counselling dying people.

The use of subcutaneous scopolamine as a palliative treatment in Parkinson's disease

2012-11-01 La maladie de Parkinson (PD) est une maladie dégénérative, chronique et irréversible. La médecine palliative peut jouer un rôle important dans la prise en charge des patients atteints de la MP pour maintenir la qualité de vie.

Coma, douleur et conscience en fin de vie

2012-11-01 Résumé L’évaluation de la douleur devient plus difficile pour les soignants et plus mystérieuse pour les familles quand les malades deviennent comateux. C’est une source fréquente d’inquiétude pour elles.

Brain metastases: what's new with an old problem?

2012-11-01 Purpose of review To summarize developments in the management of brain metastases over the past decade. Recent findings A few randomized trials have been published during the past decade examining the use of whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT) and radiosurgery (SRS) boost versus WBRT alone.

Understanding cough and its management in lung cancer.

2012-11-01 Purpose of review This article summarizes the current understanding of cough in lung cancer, strategies for its management and highlights areas where further research is warranted. Cough is common, severe and distressing for many lung cancer patients.

La sexualité du couple en soins palliatifs, du tabou aux possibles

2012-11-01 Les infirmières sont fréquemment les témoins de problématiques autour du thème de la sexualité souvent mal formulées par les patients ou leur entourage et peu prises en compte par les équipes.